Friday, July 02, 2004

Too much on my mind!

So I am a slacker when it comes to blogging but I have too much to say, and if you know me I like to say it all. So I am learning to just pick out the good stuff...Well the good stuff to me atleast...As Chris said on his post we went to the Stetlers in Columbus. It was great and wonderful. I loved the church we went to and the people were great. I was very quiet the whole time but was just soaking it all in. I too thought that in so many ways it was like church as we know it but was so very different in others. As I listened to Eric and Kerr talk and minister to people, they had some people in and out while we were there and Eric and Kerr were just ready to meet any need that was there. Now we say that we as a "church" are ready to be like this, however how many times do we really do this. Chris and I had some long talks and we really want to be used by God to be family...This sounds so lame but the thing that stands out to me is that Jesus just wants us to love like he did and that's by putting our needs and wants away, not just aside and "love" wow...Anyhow thanks Stet's for being you. You are loved! (Macee likes Ri's butt, she told me...) O'yeah I got to meet one of my online fantasy people this week too..I sat there and cried...You'll have to ask for the details...Anyway it was great.
I also got to have lunch with my daddy. It was great...He is sad these days..Summer is when my momma died and I think that it makes it hard for him. It was great spending time with him. Pray for him. He is a pastor and works his butt off, I think he struggles sometimes. I miss my relationship with him. It's so different now that my mom has died. After lunch with my dad and sis, my sis, the boys and the chitlins, all went to Sidney to finish going through my grandparents home, my grandma died of cancer and now my step grandpa is in a nursing home dying of cancer also, so we have been working a lot to get all this done. I found some pretty awesome stuff. A love letter from my Grandy to my Mim. He was so in love with her, it was so beautiful...What a heritage I have. I also found a letter that my mom had written to her mom the year after her dad had died. I felt llke it had been written to us...I want to read it to my dad, it was so much what I needed. My sister and I sat in a little room and just cried...I love my sis.
I made out with a pug last night. No I don't mean a pig (as in Chris :) I mean a little pug named Rosie...I laid down on the floor at the Weiss's and got attacked by there little dog. It was so funny, she started licking my head like there was no tomorrow...I actually enjoyed the attention..I know I'm sick aren't I ? But I stood up and my hair was like plastered with dog spit and was standing on end in the very front, I suppose you had to be there, but it was pretty funny. So there all my blogging stuff in one really long post...I thank you Jesus for all the great little things you give me each day. Lob'er Jesus. (Macee's way of saying Love you Jesus) O' to be child like in our ways with him. Over and out. Pray for cousin.


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