Monday, November 08, 2004

"The Weekender"

So here is my "Weekender" journal.
Today is Mon. and we had school all day and then parent teacher conferences until 7:30....long day...but
Had a great Thursday and Friday night. Got to spend it with my two favorite hot hubby and the cutest blonde girl in the whole world....
Went to my dad's on Sat. and spent the night. Hard but good stuff happening there....not sure how to talk to him about all the stuff my sister and I am feeling...but I suppose I am learning how to grow and all that good really sucks sometimes....I mean this changing and growing stuff...I just want "normality" again...I don't know what "normal" is anymore. However, my dads sermon on Sunday was AWESOME....the short of it was that "God is for me"etc....I needed to hear everything that he said...then to top it all off, on the way out of lunch my step mom said to me..."You should try and encourage your dad about his sermon"....I said to her, very nicely..."You don't have to tell me how to encourage my dad"....she says "Perhaps you had forgotten to tell him that he did a good job"....I wanted to cry....I actually did....I told her, "well, I was waiting for the right time"....I know that everyone knows that I am so loud etc, however, I find the times that I encourage people is not a time that I blow hot air and blab in front of everyone. Being encouraged is sometimes a very intimate time. It is life building. I needed some me and daddy time to tell him how very proud of him I am. I needed to tell him that the things that he said are things that I needed to hear....I felt bad that my stepmom had different ideas...o'well. I did get a chance to tell him. But so that everyone does know, he is an awesome vessel...and those people at his church are very blessed to have him as their shepherd.....I was deeply blessed by his message. I told Chris, I mean I know that there are so much worse things in life.....people go through death and life everyday, but....gosh! I just hate this learning how to mesh..when it is nothing like what you have been taught your whole life. Lord teach me how...i want it bad....
Part of the reason we went to my dad's was to help get them ready to move. They are building a new house...We were going through some more of my mom's was hard but good. I now have both of the tables that were in my house since I can remember, I have the dining room table, and then my dad gave me the table that we had in the an antique..which makes it even is hard to walk in the kitchen...I see us...the unit....praying, laughing, fighting all those things and so much anyhow, ofcourse you know I got done cleaning the kitchen last night I turned the lights out and there in the dim lights was my table, our table.....I cried and said mom, "I promise to make those same memories with Macee, and anyone else in our community...I will take good care of it"....then I laughed and said...for Pete sakes Sara, it's just a table...but in my heart I said...'s a table from "Donna's house"....
As I was cleaning...Chris and I were working on the dishes...i noticed that it was really quiet......I figured I would find a mess made by a little blonde girly....what I found was my baby girl, kneeling at the edge of her baby...tucking her baby into bed and praying with her. She had her hands folded and said "Tank you Jedus for our day,"..."okay baby, what else do you want to tank Jedus for.."..."good job baby".....and so on... so my list of things that day were not a list of great things for a great all seemed at that point to all be "priceless" I am blessed.


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