Thursday, October 07, 2004

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...

I miss my Wesley. I have enjoyed some of our time away, however, I hate not having my best friend to talk to. I always have appreciated him as a father, but when his little girl can't sleep because she wants to see if her daddy is home...he must be doing something right...he is an awesome daddy....but, Yes we fight, yell loud at each other, Yes he drives me nuts at times, yes his farts stink, and he chews loud...but those are all the things that I would (do) miss. Since my mom has been gone, all the times we are separated make me think about what life would be truly like without Chris. It makes me tear up thinking about it. My dad and sister and I would always tease my mom....she always had wadded up tissues everywhere...after she died, those tissues became like finding her in everyday life. At school one day, I was coming in and one of my kids asked me for a tissue, as I reached in my coat, that was her coat, there were her tissues. As I wiped his nose, I cried inside, and thought to myself.....thank you Lord for even wadded up tissues....Anyhow, I just had to say how much I do love Chris, he is my Wesley, and I love him with the very deepest part of my soul....


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