Wednesday, July 28, 2004


I couldn't think of anything nifty for the title today. It has been a weird sort of day. Beautiful weather, quiet day, but I feel in a funk today. We have been really busy and when a calm quiet day hits it seems to throw me for a loop. Sounds weird I know, but if you know me, slowing down from life is sometimes hard for me.
I have been walking lately, just a mile and a half or so. It has been good, but I need to commit to doing it daily. The best part is either Chris and Macee go with me, or I take my boyfriend along with me and we sing together(if you don't remember I am dating David Crowder on the side, and this is no new news to my dearest Wesley). The funniest part is that sometimes I get a little lost in the music and sing really really neighbor Rhonda pulled up beside me and was laughing, frankly it scared the crap out of me...but she said she could hear me singing from a mile away and was laughing because I was doing what she called "dance walking"...I live in the country and people are busy...who knew she was watching...anyhow I pray that I can keep up with it.
It was my dad's birthday yesterday. He turned 54..."old man" is what I call him. He is an amazing man, I love him with all that is in me. Pray for him...he needs it. 
Pray for my friend Sarah and "hump daddy", they are going though an ordeal with her parents, a long story but her dad and her mom are going through a long court trial, and Sarah has to be part of it. It brings up a lot of hurtful and hard things. I am begging anyone who reads this to please pray for her.
My grandfathers memorial service will be Sunday. I am excited to celebrate his life...Although I am sure there will be tears too.
Chris is mad at me today, maybe that is why I am in a funk. We sometimes just look at things so differently..That's okay I suppose...Well I better go, I need to clean house. I love cleaning house...really. Better days ahead, I am sure.  


Blogger Chris said...

I wasn't mad...madly in love with you...but not mad...

12:43 PM  

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