Monday, August 22, 2005

Post #1: Disclaimer

First, my blog is a place where I share my thoughts. Hence the name...Me, my thoughts and I. Usually the majority of my thoughts are not shared with others before I type them.
Second; I am sorry to those of you who thought is was rude to call someone the name I did when I was discussing one of my friends in a previous blog. If you know me you know that this is never a word I have used in language out loud in front of my daughter. NEVER! I have only joked with my friend about this in a letter and in a very in depth phone call where he played a really bad April fools joke on me. That is how it started. Now we just joke about the fact that I called him a really bad name. NO, I don't go around saying that word or others of such nature to or in front of my daughter. Yes, I have said things in front of Macee that I should not. However, the words I speak to my daughter out loud are to my best knowledge and effort, words of love, encouragement, friendship and NOT negative words. I do however appreciate concern and will in the future be more careful to share my thoughts in my blog and outloud in a way that won't be hurtful or lead others to presume my life is a certain way...Especially when it comes to how I present my self to my daughter. I am in no way mad, but I guess being real comes with a price. Just not at the price of my daughter or for that matter my church and church family. That can be assured!!!!


Blogger Jennifer from Ohio said...

Hallo Sara!!
Love your tattoo! I definitely prefer the daisy to the Mom heart tattoo!!
I appreciated your words of encouragement on the Naz situation. I am jealous of your hiding place on Saturday night. I was looking for one, but instead of finding one, I just continued to wander aimlessly. I am so not a good mingler.
Please don't censor your blog in the future (regarding the disclaimer). I like seeing the true Sara and I have never had a second thought about your example to Macee or anyone else for that matter!

5:17 AM  

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