Monday, October 10, 2005

Wow...I love this new computer!

Hello blogger world...the dilbone house now has a new and improved up and running computer....I love it. I have missed getting my feelings out and feel great getting the time to do it today. Chris and Macee are on their way to the neighbors, Chris will work out, Macee is on her way to play with her buddy Madison. They are such way cool neighbors, the Lord is really blessing us with a great and growing relationship with them....more to come on that topic....
So much on my mind lately, so many things going list form I come...
* favorite month...I love pumpkins, beautiful tress, hot cider and the smell of cinnamon...cuddles and crisp air at night....and hot soups for supper.
*school is good, lots of mental and emotional work this year, more than normal, I feel emotionally spent at the end of the day. The kids are so needy this year. Lots of good times and laughter, lots of yelling and redirection...ahhh, but good.
*crazy church stuff...people who you always thought would support you, don't...back biting and terrible things said about loved ones to folks in the community...very hard for me...I want to defend my friends, the Lord is keeping my mouth shut...regardless, why is it okay for people to to say such harsh things and perpetuate negativity....I hate this part of all of this. Looking forward though to things to come, think Joel and Jen are going to be great...pray for them in this time of transition....
*I love fall.
*Macee, I love her...she is so darn cute, growing sooo much, having a hard time keeping up with her long legs....every outfit... I thought would fit this year...Doesn't. Chris thinks it is okay to just have 3 outfits that we can just rotate....Whatever....(I think that is what he does with his underwear...o' and you'll have to ask him about his "euro boxers"....hahahahaha).
*Today would have been my parents 35 wedding anniversary...Oddly enough it is also Chris's parents 35 wedding anniversary. Our parents got married the same day, same year, about 2 hours apart...pray for my dad today. This has been a hard day for him in the past and I am sure was difficult for him today.
*I love my sister
*sat. nights listening to Chris at cosmos...where it is really warm and cozy inside....
*missing my jersey girl and changes, friendships sucks...miss you jg....
*changed my classroom around looks great, the girls are going to freak...good, I hope they do...:)
*making chili for supper
Enough for now but,
Pray for my aunt, she has cancer, is taking cemo...this stuff sucks....her name is Amy. She is a believer and is trusting the Lord....she is awesome...pray for her family. She has an amazing hubby and 4 great kids....


Blogger Jennifer from Ohio said...

Welcome back. I've missed your blogging!!

9:07 AM  

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