Happy Easter!
So Easter was my mom's favorite holiday. The celebration that her Savior has risen was huge to her. So much so that even at her Funeral we spoke as about 500 people..."He has risen"...He has risen indeed"!...wow...so every Easter at 6:00 a.m., my dad or mom would/will call and say those words. Pretty cool huh?
So the past two years, I have missed a corporate worship time on Easter Sunday. I hate it. All for good reason. Last year my litttle baby girl (Dawn's baby girl..i just like to claim her) Esther was born, then this year, Macee had the flu, barfing and diarrhea! Yeah that was fun. I was so sad that I missed it that I cried to my dad, I just really needed to be with others to celebrate. So I was feeling pretty sorry for myself...Then I read Kerri's blog. I had Easter then. I celebrated Easter...I just closed my eyes and imaged Eric singing like Kerri said..probably my all time favorite song..yes someone will sing it at my funeral...anyhow...the words to that song are the words that describe how I feel about the Lord and his role in my life. He is all, the everything....so thanks Ker, I needed to celebrate and you helped....
Things have been good, I have had some good talks with my dad, and with my sister...School is going well...busy but good.
My goodness... the other day while on my treadmill, I got spirit filled and started weeping...I was listening to Chris Tomlin's CD "arriving" wow what a good CD. It was awesome. The Lord and I walked on that treadmill together. It was an awesome time...I felt like I had laid myself open and naked for the Lord to see and fill and clean etc...whew....
Some interesting things happening with my sister and brother in law. Please pray with me about the whole thing...the Lord really needs to orchestrate some things...
Keep praying for Rachel. Things are...well, just pray...I am not even sure what to pray. I just pray...I pray for the Lord to be near.
I love the Lord, I am thankful for his friendship, for the fact that he loves even me. That he did die on that cross and that praise God he rose again. He has risen! He has risen indeed! Celebrate the DR way. Do you think they celebrate even more in heaven on Easter? At least the US side of heaven:)......better go.
By the way...Lily Sterba is sooo cute....