Monday, August 30, 2004

Got Crabs?

So the first day of school I told my kids that we would have a pet crab in our classroom. (We had the crab last year, and is now returning for year 2 in my class). Everyday I forget the crab.....everyday, my cutie pie, Job Knepper says to me...."Mrsss. Bones, did you bring the creab?"so I say to him "No Job I did not bring the crab..He said to me..."I think yr lyin' to ain't got crabs do ya"????........So what do you think about the only Special Education teacher in Napoleon Area Schools walking around with a post it note on her purse and one word written on her hand that says "CRAB"....hopefully tomorrow I will remember.....
We had some pals over last night...Macee was the life of the party...she made us all laugh...I was recalling how great it felt for people to see that cute side of her...I always feel so proud of her, but last night was one of those times that I said....that's my girl.....she's her momma's girl....I seized the moment, and I'm still enjoy it.... Thank you Lord for blessing me so...I am so rich in you.....Even with crabs....

Saturday, August 28, 2004

There's no place like home....

I am soooo glad to be home, I don't like hospitals but...well...I went to the ER last night....missed my third day of school due to profuse barfing, I was not even able to keep liquids down...we decided either the flu or something stuck in my band....actully by the end of my hospital stay after being admitted, they decided it was both...Ended up there after sitting through "Bourne Supremacy"...a good movie but I barfed through the whole movie...Some friends of ours had tickets that they had saved for us, I felt bad canceling, they got a baby sitter and we went..........I barfed....ended up at the ER at 9:00 and did not get into a room until 2 I had low blood sugar, low potassium, and lots of major dehydration. Nothing too exciting the basic "this is what it must be like to have the really crappy flu"....thank God for supportive friends that know where the warm blankets are and can pull a few strings. My nurse in the ER was wonderful and I loved her, we had a great time laughing and joking in between the barfing. Then my roomie was a bit interesting...a sweetheart really....she was born in 1925, her name was Donna :), she talked the entire night long through her are a few of her conversations...."Ruthann get up, we have to leave now, where's Larry, Shit we are running late, come'on"......"Man that Chicken smells really good,'s really hot and juicy"....."OOOOO my ass hurts"......"well wouldn't you know he has been farming since he was 3 years old"...I had to laugh to myself, no sleep but a smile on my tired face. So this is just the stuff I remember, as morning rolled around, I befriended my roomie and was able to cheer her on as she took some of the first steps after breaking her back after a fall for the second time....I really wanted to walk for her, but we had some great conversations and honestly I felt like I was there to make her smile, we joked and laughed a lot like we where pals, we left calling her grandma....We both promised to pray for each please pray with me that she heals quickly and perfectly...her husband was there and wanted to kiss all over her, he couldn't get close enough to her...he was so sweet, they have been married 61

A night at St. Lukes: not sure of the price
Lots of iv fluids: not sure of the price
Barfing blood and pulverized popcorn: nasty
A great movie with pals: lots of fun and free (they paid)
A night in the room with an angel named Donna: priceless
And who needs reminded that our God is Good all the time.....
and all the time God is good!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Whew.........First day back to school with students there...I have a very interesting room this year and 3 aides/attendants, 2 that are new and the other is a treasure that has been in my room for 5 years now....I teach special education and have a boat load of kids that I will be servicing...22 to be exact. And one of them is very much so that she has a DNR, a wheel chair, splints, hand braces,...her head has to be at a 30 degree angle or her wind pipe could cut off...however, she is an absolute sweetheart...the whole 3 aides in the room is sorta sending me over the room was complete always on the first day of school, but... I was really nervous and worried about all of is a really long story...Just me being me and freakin out for nothing...but over all it was a great day. The new group of kids did wonderful and my crew from last year just jumped right in like we did not even has summer break...that is how well I have them trained...or so I like to think ...I suppose I do run a really tight "homeroom" is 10 kids...2 girls out of that....all of my boys are on meds for ADHD, amongst other diagnoses like Autism, Aspbergers syndrome, connective tissue disorder, a shunt on the brain, and the list goes on.
The best and funniest part of the day came when my boys where lining up to go home for the day...I was passing out parent teacher notebooks to one of my kids...he is blind...I say to him "Derrick honey, here is your notebook, please put it in your back pack and then you are welcome to go" he stands there...I think to myself...did he not hear me???, so I say again "Derrick you are free to go now"...and in his so so so so sweet voice, (he is a 3rd grader)...he says to me "How the heck do I get out"...And then it all became so me atleast...this kid is freakin blind Stupid, his mom walked him in this morning, we all busted out laughing and my principle who is also a great pal of mine, over hear him say this and ofcourse we all say there are so many days we ask ourselves that same question....So I take his sweet little hand and we walk out together...he says "it must have been a pretty good day, I made you laugh"....So ya it was cute, God bless my little ones, they need all the love they can get. Macee has been really good at the new babysitter...I still miss her more than I ever have....well, over and out....

Sunday, August 22, 2004

My soul says today....

Today is Aug 22, which means three long/short years ago today, Jesus Christ took my mother Donna Ruckers face into his hands and looked into her beautiful big blue eyes and said to her...."Well done dear one", and then applauded at the sight of her smile.......on this very day three years ago here on earth, as we sat beside the body of my momma, my daddy, in all his despair, shock and grief, along with my screaming at the top of my lungs.."NO, NO, NO...", began to quietly sing these words..."When peace like a river attendenth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll, what ever my lot, thou has taught me to say, "it is well, it is well with my soul"..."And Lord hast the day that thy faith shall be sought, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll, the trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend...even so, it is well with my soul"
A few notes to say to those of you who know me and love me...Words cannot express what it has been like to see my daddy, family, friends go through grief and loss of my momma...I cannot put into words how my soul earns for her hands to touch my hair and for my face to find that sweet spot on her shoulder when we would hug...But, Thanks to all of you who have loved on my family and prayed for us. Thank you Kerri for loving me so much that in the midst of your own illness you took the time to just be the best pal someone would need at that very moment, for you and Mary on your knees praying for us at some of the very darkest moments...for everyone who let me cry, who still lets me grieve...The Lord has been so awesome to times it hurts so bad, but as I sat there in that hospital room before singing with my father, I heard the Lords audible voice say to me "My grace is sufficient Sara" has been so true.
Someday, I will too hear those same words my momma heard. I too will look into my Jesus' face, I will hug him and fall onto my face in humblesness I will stand back up , and then somewhere, somewhere close behind my Lord, I will see her face, and I will hear my momma say, "It is so good to see you, my baby bear sunshine". "Welcome Home".
Until then I say everyday...It is well, yes, It is well with my soul....

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Wonderful day!

Yesterday was my birthday....yeah...I had such a wonderful day. It started out with breakfast in bed with my wonderful hubby, my wonderful daughter and ofcourse, Cole was on the bed too...everyone, including the dog enjoyed my birthday was so awesome to sit there and enjoy the morning with them. In the afternoon Chris took me Red Lobster for lunch, then to my favorite little store here in BG called "For Keeps", to pick out a Vera Bradley handbag, with a matching wallet...whew....then off to Findley by 5 to eat supper with my parents....I feel so blessed to have my family. If you don't know me, family has always been a huge part of my life. I must also say that Chris went to the effort of making my day very special. I suppose if you talked to him he would say that in "Sara's family birthdays were just one more way to spoil already spoiled girls"... my family always did make a big deal out of mom (dad too), had this special way of making you feel like you were the only person in the world that day. Then I married Chris...his family is very close and very loving, but birthdays just are not a big deal....For a very long time Chris could not understand why it was a big deal to me....over the years I have learned to not make a big deal out of it and he has made such an effort to make sure that I feel (as Donna Rucker would have put it), I feel celebrated! So anyhow, I need to say Thanks to my dear Wesley....I truly did feel celebrated....I am sure my mom was impressed...
On a side note, I really did miss my mom yesterday...I am sure some of you who read this get tired of hearing about what...I say to you. That is why this is not your's my heart and did think of her a lot yesterday. I got teary eyed a few times....Bittersweet....she was the best....
I have been really praying about school starting. It is going to be an interesting year, sometime I will share with you why...but more than anything, I am praying that what I have gained this summer spiritually will not fade. I feel like the Lord and I have had some really long conversations, his word, other people, so many things he has used to teach me and show me his love. I hate to think of going back to school and people seeing the same ol heart is so different, I mom used to talk so much about how what she called "re-entry"....and how after a spiritual growth or high that re-entering into the real world again is hard. I have enjoyed getting to spend time with Chris and Macee, I have been able to visit family, and have truly deepened friendships with some of my greatest friends. I don't know Lord if I am ready. I want to share and be so real...well anyhow, I will pray and still enjoy the few days left. Today is dedicated to getting the house in order and ready for next week. Please also pray for Macee, she has had a really hard time the last few times we have left her with someone...she is not like this and she is going to a new babysitter...makes me a little nervous....God is good, all the time....

Friday, August 13, 2004

Shrek and more...

So we are watching shrek for the 2nd time today...Macee is not feeling the greatest...lets just say she is a little backed up for about the 3rd day or so...Shrek is the cure all, it makes a little girl smile to watch Shrek fart in the water and kill the fish...She was so cute today, she fell asleep under the desk here in the office, and slept here for about an hour and a half...Chris and her went to the park today while I was at the church helping decorating for a friend of ours wedding...we had fun decorating today, and Chris and Macee had a blast too. I was sad to have missed a day in the park with them...those are times I enjoy so much...
I can't believe that school starts so soon. We have students coming the 25th and we start the 23rd...yikes... I am/was a bit nervous but I am feeling a bit better about it all.
Went to Skyline for supper with Chris and Macee, we then took a walk was fun, a wonderful evening to take a walk and enjoy the view...I had a great time with the two of them, which was much needed for my time is a great blessing to me...
Hope anyone who reads my blog enjoyed my little disclaimer...I was contemplating not blogging anymore...I wrote the disclaimer to think "out loud" about why and what this whole blogging thing does for me. I did not want to use it as a tool for anything other than what it was. I went through a situation this week that caused me to really consider the reasons I do it and the time I take to do it...Over all I think it is really good for me. It has really helped me evaluate a lot of things, as well as keep me on track more with the Lord. I have found too that I really look more at the small things in life, which so many times before I have not been so good at. It challenges me more when I write it etc. So anyhow, sorry for the long list last night, my fingers were typing so fast and my mind was going a hundred miles per anyhow, I do thank the Lord for the opportunity to share my thoughts on a forum like this for free. I am praying that the Lord will use my blog for his glory and that perhaps something that I might have on my heart will touch, well, I suppose I have babbled enough to you soon.

Thursday, August 12, 2004


If I am going to continue to blog...which I am, I wanted to list a little disclaimer so that all of you who read this will have a better understanding of where I am coming from...don't ask why...just read.
I am going to use the famous "Dilbone list" to convey my thoughts tonight. I just feel this is something I need to do for my own sake and even my own understanding of why I do this blog thingy. Keep in mind as you read that this list below is for my own good more than anything....
1. Anything I say here on my blog; I am fully aware that people are going to read. Therefore, I do not say anything about anyone that they are not already aware of. Perhaps it is in more detail on my blog, but that is because of (see number 2).
2. This blog is so lovingly named, "Me, my thoughts and I"...Therefore meaning that, this is for my own good, my needs of journaling, venting, thinking through, praying, praising, adoration, seizing the moments, working through my "emotional, girly" feelings, working through grief, prayer, seeking, learning more about Jesus, being more loving, to learn how to be a community, to grow as a Christian wife, mother etc... and to share my heart.
3. What I say in my blog is always subject to you the reader.
4. I am careful about using names in my blog...therefore I must explain, I often times am writing about my husband. I don't want to seem like a wife basher...I love him dearly and he is my soul mate, best friend etc. etc. I am very, very proud and in love with him. For this very reason I don't always name his name or whoever else I am talking about when it comes to a subject that might be in question. I am not out to get the person(s), just work through feelings...and this is why I don't name names etc.
5. I do say how I feel and what I think. I have said many times that when I am presenting a feeling or a thought, that just because I feel this way or that way it does not mean how I feel is right and how you feel is wrong etc.
6. My blog, as are others, are "Sara's" thoughts out loud per say. ( Insert your know what I mean)
7. I don't get offended easily and find it okay and sometimes refreshing as someone put it to me today...(my HUSBAND said to me), "it's okay to agree to disagree".
8. I have learned that if you are a blogger and a blog reader, be ready to disagree with someone's heart/feelings...and that this is okay.
9. I blog and read others blogs to also to keep in touch with, my own feelings, my Lord, and my friends that I don't get to see very often as well as an educational tool.
10. And lastly, I learn a lot from reading others blogs, I cheer with them, I cry, I pray, I laugh out loud a lot (especially when I read Ker's blog and it comes to Luis...remind me to tell the story sometime about Luis that happened when we were in Columbus)...I am challenged to grow and seek when I read others blogs, I read a lot and pray about many things. Please take notice, many times when I am working through these things, I ask for the Lord to help me have a better understanding of all things I don't understand or am wresting with....

So there. I am done.
I feel better now.
Aug. 17th is coming soon...:)

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Pina Colada

Went to hang out with Jersey girl and the big dork tonight. The deal was that we wanted to have some of Dan's famously made Pina colada's...they are wonderful...Virgin of course....the coladas....anyhow, so tonight he hands me the first one and because of my cold sore I have to use a spoon to eat it, so I was stirring it...we started seeing some black floaty thingys...and then I pulled out this long black plastic thingy, like a big piece...Apparently Dan had stuck a long plastic fork into the blender and did not realize that the blender had "eaten" the fork. We all enjoyed a wonderful laugh and great coladas with fork in was funny...
So at my jewelry party, I made some banana bread. This was my first attempt, it was easy...and turned out's a Weiss family recipe...I am starting to enjoy baking for others etc. I used to hate it, but... I also stopped along the side of the road and picked some wild flowers, some black eyed susans, some kind of purple weed, and then some queen Anne's was a beautiful country arrangement...atleast to me...I was telling my sister all of this...her comment was that I am becoming a "domestic goddess". So the more I thought about it the more I am like...I am no goddess... I am more like a "domestic diva" goddess...On another note...
I have some people in my life who are very analytical...what I am about to say it not to be mean in anyway...this is my thoughts, (which are a little analytical in its self...kinda funny...I say they are just thoughts thought)What I am saying does not mean that I am saying I am wrong or right, but...I am so not analytical though...some folks like to attest this characteristic to being intelligent...and perhaps this is true...but I really think some people spend life analyzing things so much so that they miss the simplicity in life. Things are not always as "deep" as we would like to make them...however, I am not the best at being tolerant of this characteristic...I have been praying that the Lord would allow me to try and listen better to people in my life who like to analyze...My first mental response is, "do you hear yourself"...anyhow, I have been praying about all of this. I know it sounds a little odd I am off to bed, I have a very tired 2 year old who won't stop saying "mommy, mommy, mommy"...Off I go to save the world...something like that anyway.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Herpes ?

Have you ever had a cold sore on your lip? To those of you who haven't, you will have no sympathy for those of us who do get them. Yes, they are some form of herpes. If you have gotten one before you will always get them ( I have heard and have experienced), if you haven't you never will. They cold sore has a heart beat of it's own. It is so big right now that you would think that it was a Siamese twin of mine...Jersey girl asked if I had named it and if it was a boy or a girl. Her hubby told me that the "roach" on my lip was "sick"...nothing like making someone feel good about themselves...I gave him the "my ear suddenly itches with tall man" act.
So anyhow, my nephew who is 14 lacerated his aceles tendon. He had to have surgery and have it reattched...yuck. My sister went into all the gory details...can I just say "nasty"...Shawn is a big wimp and my sister feels like ripping off his leg and beating him with it at times. She finally made him shower after 4 days, he is 14, I cannot imagine the oily, greasy, stinch that child was leaving around. I have a gift box full of goodies to send to him. But really pray for him, and my sister...they all need it. Please pray that it heals right. He will have to go to PT and all that. He is VERY athletic and this has been a real blow for him.
I had a Premier Jewelry Party last night at my house. It is so fun to get a bunch a women in one house and be really silly. I did it to help out a friend, and was hoping to get enough free jewelry money to get the watch I wanted...yeah, I got it and had fun while doing it...all for free. Can't beat free jewelry for a fun night of fellowship with some of your greatest pals. The highlight of my day today was a really cool me atleast. First of all it was a really beautiful day in bg today. Very cool, breezy and sunny. I had to leave to do some work at the church (nursery stuff and decorating for a wedding..which was seriously really fun...I love to decorate...)anyhow, as I was leaving, Macee and Chris were outside playing ball, her cute curly blonde hair was blowing in the wind, and just the fact that my husband, her father was outside spending time with her and enjoying it, and doing it just for the pure fact because he likes to..Not to mention that she was screaming into my car, "I love zoo momma", and then doing her own version of I love you in sign language (we have taught her a lot of signing from a very young age, I am a firm believer that it does help promote language skills). Anyhow, it was my pleasure to see what I did. It was one of those things that you seize the moment and take a second to immbed that very moment into your special memory bank. Thank you Lord for those very moments, that is one of those things that makes life so much more awesome than it already can be. You are everything Lord. I love you. Grow me, teach me, mold me, make me, I want to be yours Lord, I need you today Lord. Thank you so much. Your grace is sufficient....always, really....

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Dumb Poem

Well today a pal of mine is having a personal shower...She is getting married next weekend...So I have been invited. I say they only invite me because at this kind of shower I am usually the life of the party...Laughing about boy butts and g-strings sometimes sends this crowd into images of hell...Not really but...hahaha...Anyhow, I have bought my friend a few odd gifts, I am not sure why but...I bought her the cutest little tommy hilfiger purse and then filled it with thong underwear. I think every new bride needs a cute purse to have to take along on the honeymoon, and as for the thongs...well you here is the poem I wrote to go with my gift. It is really dumb, but funny, let me know what you think......

Purses and Thongs

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I bought you a purse
and some thongs for you.
A purse and a thong
Each one of a kind
One for your arm
the other for your behind.
A Tommy, a Liz or even Nine West,
string bikinis or grannies
still a thong is the best.
So much to think about, so much to choose...
One for Justin to enjoy, the other for you.
Wear them with pride
and cheers to you,
God bless your big day
as you say "I do".
No matter the purse,
the grannies or thongs,
stay in tune with Jesus and
your marriage won't go wrong.
Until the "end" and all the I love you's
be true to each other and the Lord will see you through.

Well I am off to be well behaved and proper. (yeah right). Talk at y'all later.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

We did it!

Well if you read my last post, I am now stuck forever! Chris and I did get our fingers tattooed...They look pretty cool. If you would like to see a picture check out Chris's blog . Those of you who are asking...Yes it did hurt. I am weird about pain though...I have a high pain tolerance unless it comes to a stubbed toe. But it did hurt a little, I was fine until he got close to the web of my that point a few bad thoughts...okay, a few bad words went through my head. Anyhow all and all, as we left I said to Chris, "I think I want another one"...we'll see. Have a great day. I am off to school to get some work done. Have a good one. 13 days until my birthday..

Monday, August 02, 2004


So today is Monday. It was a lazy morning. We didn't get out of the house till like 3 or so. We hung around the house all was nice having Chris and Macee both home and all.
Our dog Cole has been acting wired the last couple of days. I was really worried about him...however he seems to be getting back to himself, I think... Do dogs get the flu? He is my first baby...and I love him. He is also very good for Macee. You should see them. They are definitely siblings, just a little different complexion :)
Have had a few crazy days..Friday night we went to the big thriving metropolis of "Botkins". It is a little dot on the map. My Aunt and Uncle live there. They where having a fish fry for all of the family. I was a little apprehensive about going...all of us there packed into one house, with all those kids...We ended up having a great time. My dad, stepmom and sis also got to sit together and had some quality time together. It was good for the four of us to have time like that. Then Sat. we were busy all day...(read my last blog). Sunday we ended up having a 2 hour church service, and then had to be in Sidney by 2 for my grandfathers memorial. I was not looking forward to that either, however it was one of the most beautiful services that I have been to (other than my moms). I cried, thinking of him in Heaven. He must be so happy. I also got to see all of my family then on my moms side. It was awesome to see all my cousins etc. My aunt seemed to feel really blessed that we had all "come home". She has had a really hard time with all of this, it is a really long story, but please pray for my Aunt Gwen and also my cousin Rachel. Rachel is 16 and has cancer. She is my moms youngest brothers only daughter. She is the most awesome, loving, faithful, trusting child...I love her deeply. We have always sorta "connected"... We have prayed several times for her healing. And several times they have said the cancer is gone. It is back again...Not for long... please keep her in your prayers. My family has been through 4 deaths in 3 years...but, I didn't really feel like doing the whole family thing. It ended up being a great reminder of what being a family is all about. We laughed, told great stories, caught up, laughed, laughed, ate a lot, cried, hugged, remembered, and did mention laugh? I praised Jesus for his blessings.
Pray for me tomorrow at 2. We are getting tattoos on our fingers as wedding bands. Yes, I am still going to wear mine for the most part, but Chris will not wear the one he has now. I promised that I did not have any big plans for it. (For those of you who don't know I love to design my own jewelry etc.) So, I am a little nervous about it and am not looking forward to the pain. I think it is so cool though that we have decided to do this. He is my soul mate...Forever...Well off I go. I am so tired. Busy night, softball...We got our butts kicked tonight, friends over for dinner after, good God talk..Great pals...To much to eat. And as I was putting all the dips back after dinner, I accidentally dumped the left over salsa into the spaghetti sauce bottle...Chris wasn't too happy, I took care of it though...I dumped it out :)
Can I just add that two of my greatest friends decided to leave on a "get away" during the same week...My two best girl pals are gone...I really need girl time. Can't wait to see you both...Ok really I am going this time. See ya. O yeah my birthday is in 15 days..the big 29...