Saturday, July 31, 2004

Devils advocate?

So I had this intense discussion with a friend today...he was saying that it is okay to stand up for what he does not believe in just to play the devil's advocate. That perhaps you may have a better understanding of how someone else might be feeling if you are on the "opposite side" than they are...or atleast that is what I heard him saying. I just was put back by it because to me it is playing with fire. I don't want to nor will I ever stand up for "sin" or something I don't take a stand on just for the sake of debate and discussion. It does not matter who it is with...I still think that we have to be so careful. It scared me and I actually became really confused. No I don't think that it is wrong per say..I guess I keep hearing this annoying, but very true phrase my mom used to say (and now my dad uses), "Why do we walk so close to the line, are we just seeing how close we can get without going over it?"...I know that we need to be accepting and loving and etc. with others that are pre-Christians but, I will not and choose not to advocate for sin...I am trying hard enough to get rid of the sin in my own life nevertheless advocating for some controversial subject that I might disagree with just for the sake of discussion. I think Satan wants to use situations like that to make it sound okay with us, and to see how sin might be like for others etc. Anyhow I don't know if I am making any sense...I just am still going over all of this in my head. I am trying to be understanding. I cautioned my pal that he should be really careful when getting into these debates. I was part of one last night and there was a very moldable teen who really admires my friend listening to him play the "devils advocate"...I just think that we need to be cautious...anyhow I am running late for a dinner date and need to go. Help me understand Lord, and I pray that I just am who you want...not for anyone else's sake but for you Lord. Any"who"...Take all this for whatever it's worth...It is just SDV (sara dilbone version). See ya

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


I couldn't think of anything nifty for the title today. It has been a weird sort of day. Beautiful weather, quiet day, but I feel in a funk today. We have been really busy and when a calm quiet day hits it seems to throw me for a loop. Sounds weird I know, but if you know me, slowing down from life is sometimes hard for me.
I have been walking lately, just a mile and a half or so. It has been good, but I need to commit to doing it daily. The best part is either Chris and Macee go with me, or I take my boyfriend along with me and we sing together(if you don't remember I am dating David Crowder on the side, and this is no new news to my dearest Wesley). The funniest part is that sometimes I get a little lost in the music and sing really really neighbor Rhonda pulled up beside me and was laughing, frankly it scared the crap out of me...but she said she could hear me singing from a mile away and was laughing because I was doing what she called "dance walking"...I live in the country and people are busy...who knew she was watching...anyhow I pray that I can keep up with it.
It was my dad's birthday yesterday. He turned 54..."old man" is what I call him. He is an amazing man, I love him with all that is in me. Pray for him...he needs it. 
Pray for my friend Sarah and "hump daddy", they are going though an ordeal with her parents, a long story but her dad and her mom are going through a long court trial, and Sarah has to be part of it. It brings up a lot of hurtful and hard things. I am begging anyone who reads this to please pray for her.
My grandfathers memorial service will be Sunday. I am excited to celebrate his life...Although I am sure there will be tears too.
Chris is mad at me today, maybe that is why I am in a funk. We sometimes just look at things so differently..That's okay I suppose...Well I better go, I need to clean house. I love cleaning house...really. Better days ahead, I am sure.  

Sunday, July 25, 2004


My grandfather died last night about 9:00 or so...he is partying it up in Heaven with the big daddy "J"...Yes I will miss him tons, however he is right where he wanted to mom and my grandmother I am sure are arm and arm with him giving him a tour of their mansions. Do you ever think about heaven? I do...Do you think that my mom will be second in line to hug me? Do you think that Jesus will take out his nail pierced hands and applaud for don't deserve his love...I need the Lord..Heaven is on my mind a lot...Do you think that every now and then he opens the sky when something really cool is happening and says to my mom...check this out Donna, look at your grandkids, enjoy...then she smiles as she wipes a tear of proudness  from her big blue Pinson eyes??? Do you think that she goes to Jesus for the "scoop" on what will happen next??? I miss my mom today. Can you tell? Frankly I get so tired of not having a mothering relationship. I need it...But the Lord has been so good to me. It does not mean that I don't miss her though. I miss her so bad sometimes it hurts..Anyhow, it was an interesting day at church today. Our pastor talked a lot about community. It was awesome to hear and it is what our church needs to hear. However, I wonder how many people including our pastor are really going to love like we are a real family..It is so hard to fathom: a work that awesome in so many people. It was cool though and there where some real healings of emotions and issues in marriages. Yet just today two of my greatest friends ask me to pray for their marriages after the fact. Something major is going to happen at bg if people are obedient..I dunna know sometimes about weather or not people are real and authentic.
We had a childrens ministry meeting. We had a real family and community time of sharing and loving on each other. It was awesome being real and open with each other. For those of you who know me that is something that has always been pretty easy for me. It is so refreshing though to hear others be real. It was great. It gives me a new perspective of a lot of things. God really does use us and others just by listening to each other.
Pray for our staff...not so sure what to think about everything.
Pray for a friend of mine, she has a potential date with a great guy...just am hoping it's a pleasant time.
What do you think about me with a nose ring...?
I am loving being married to Chris Dilbone today. He told me I looked "hot" today...well I did look pretty happening...I do feel really blessed though. We took a walk tonight with Macee. We sang the I love you song to each other, (not the Barney I love you)...we watched the sun set...I am rich. Thank you Jesus...Do you think in heaven there are sunsets? I call the sun our "champion", sorta like he is my power, my champion to begin and end each day...Thanks champ for a great day.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Macee is now finding colors everywhere. She has known her colors for awhile but continues to be amazed at the number of colors in her "world"...I over heard a conversation between her and Zay...she was pointing out that something was "purper"...he says to her "No, it's purple"...she continues "Yes, purper"...anyhow this went on for a few minutes until I had to explain to him that she just says it a little different. I just had to share that because it is so cute when she says that....besides the fact the that I like the font color. Been a weird few days since I have been home. Chris and I have been both working hard around the house. Getting "stuff" done...yard work, organizing, laundry from being gone etc. We had dinner tonight with some of our friends. It was a great time. We did a little swimming and then dinner. We talked to them about having a common meal and how we would love for them to come too. We are hoping to spread the fever to God's timing..I just hope we actually get this common meal time off and rolling. Some other crazy stuff the Lord is working in this week has gone on. I just keep praying for things to go as his plan is fit...not my ideas or my plans but his. Worked today on some school stuff...I am exited about this school year, but also a little scared. I will go through major withdrawal from my baby girl...I often times think about staying home....I don't think that I could do it full time, but maybe I will look for something part time. I do thank God that if I am going to work full time now that he has given me the job that I do have. It is great to have the summers off and to have all the Holiday breaks that we do. Well, I am getting really tired. I was a real wus today at the doctors office. One of my doctors (for my stomach) is a really sweetie, the other (his surgical partner), is a complete donkeys behind....I can't stand him...he is a jerk and has not one bit of compassion, concern,or any niceness in him. I actually left crying...I called Chris and sobbed. I know he was like "O'my Gosh", but he was there for me and listened to me..I needed a friend and he was there. He has been here through the best and worst part of my life...He is my biggest cheerleader...and I don't say thanks to him enough. Thanks, my Wesley, you will always be my Night in Shining Armor...I love you. Well over and out before I get any more mushy. Peace

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Headed home...

Tomorrow I am headed for BG...I was glad to get here and will be glad to go too. We have had a great time, but the time has come to head on home. We will leave Dayton tomorrow after church. Macee all day keeps saying "I go home momma and see Daddy"...She can go and go but after a few days she gets a little homesick. I must say that I am a bit the same way. Anyhow we have had a great time. Late night talks, restless babies, barking dogs, house alarms, tears, laughter, no sleep, mountain dew, caramel icing, shopping, Ritter and new memories. Time well spent with family. Please keep praying for Brian while he is away, he wont get home until Wednesday.  I miss my hubby lots. Can't wait to see him. I have tired not to be too homesick with Brian gone and all. The kids are starting to get at each other. We had a new one today. The kids where fighting over the door. Yes the door. This was how it went.."No I only can touch it", "no I touch it", "no, no, no"....Anyhow, can I just say how glad I am that I married into the family that I did...God Bless my sis...well off to the park, more later...and no I did not get my eyebrows done. See ya

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


So I finally made it Dayton, Yeah....I have had a great time already. The kids are hilarious. Brian called at 1:00 am to say that they had arrived safely. That made Dawn feel a lot better. My trip to Dayton took a little longer than expected. We got in a huge traffic jam on the way and it took 46 minutes (yes 46 not 45) to go a 1/2 mile. Needless to say, it took forever. I had to go pee so bad that I ended up undoing my pants and putting a diaper on...I then sat there after all the struggles to get the diaper in the right place without every truck driver watching, I then realize that there is no real way that I can go through with this...(Stop laughing). So I then ride all the way to Cridersville with a diaper on. So the cops completely reroute us off of the interstate, so I finally get to where (this is about 2 hours later) there is a gas station, I got so excited that I pee my not really, I get to the gas station, and as I am getting Macee out of the car, I secretly take off the I get inside the station and walk in and there is about 15 people in line ahead of me...yes to use the bathroom. So I stood there and pleaded the blood of Christ....I just couldn't come this far and then pee my pants...So for the climax...I made it...I did not pee my pants, and I even made friends with the lady in front of me. So I finally got to Dayton, ate at Chipotle and loved it and then we went to this place called Ritters frozen custard...we will go there before I leave again...It was so good. Then I threw it all up...So anyway things have been fun. We are headed today to the park with the kids to play in the fountains and then Dawn is getting her hair cut..and eyebrows done. I think I will too but I am too afaird that I will say "mother" in front of the kids when they rip that crap off of my eyes...I'll let you know. Slept with my sister last night, the dogs (2) dogs the baby and 2 toddlers. Needless to say I am I go to clean up for the day..Adios

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Dayton Bound

Today I am headed to spend a week with my sister (Dawn)...I am so excited, I don't often get to spend time with her like this. My brother in law Brian is headed to Guatemala on a missions trip,(pray for his safety and that this trip will be blessed) my sister has three kids Shawn -14, Isaiah 2, (he will be 3 in Aug.,) and Esther, 3 months. Macee is looking so forward to seeing her Zayzay. They are so cute together, they get along so well and get into so much trouble. She will pretty much do whatever he says. Anyhow, looking forward to making some great memories with the kids and my sister. Thursday I am spending time with my grandma...she is the most amazing woman, I cant wait to see her too.
I had a long discussion with someone yesterday. I have come to the conclusion that this world just needs real undying love for each other. The concepts of unconditional love is lost especially in the church as we know it. As soon as someone knows of your sins, I think that they change their ideas about you. I know I am sometimes still caught up in that trap like.."well if they do that I am sure they are..."Etc. It's so hard to remember in Christ's eyes, my sins are as big or as little as someone on death row. I want to love unconditionally even when I am hurt by someone. I know it is hard, I have been there a few times. I just pray that I can continue to love regardless. I am not saying you let people walk all over you,'s all about loving and valuing who people are. I want to be more like Jesus in this way. Pray for my friend though there is a lot on their plate and I am not sure where it is all's a little scary though for everyone involved....I have such a peace about it, but just pray though for a great healing.
Well off to Dayton I go, I get my first taste of Chipotle (not sure how to spell it) tonight for supper...from what I hear I will love it, I just hope it goes down. Over and out.

Friday, July 09, 2004


I hate bugs, and living in the country there are a lot o' bugs. Tonight after spending some time with a great group of pals, including the "hump daddy"...don't ask and no I don't mean Chris...Although that would be a great nickname for my anyhow, we came home and our friend Mike was using our garage again to work on his car. I love the fact that he feels like he can come in and out whenever, that is what it is all about...pray for Mike he knows the Lord, but does not claim him as his savior and is not sure if he ever will...anyhow, back to the bugs...or should I say "bug"'s like midnight when this all took place, and when I am really tired I get really giddy, so here I am bent over laughing at something Mike says and I suddenly feel something in my shirt not my boob silly, but in the shoulder I look in my shirt and catch a glimpse of something black in my bright pink shirt, I then begin screaming "Mike don't look", "O my gosh don't look, there is a freakin bug in my shirt, get it out get it out..." I then proceed to rip my shirt off and run into the dining room where I stand with no shirt on and Mike in the other room, screaming "Chris get it, get it" was so ended up being some kind of beetle. So my new phrase for everything, good or bad is "that's jacked up". So the whole bug thingy is "jacked up" majorally. And O'yeah...this clock thingy on my blog is wrong..the other night I am typing like at midnight and I look at my post the next day and it says 8:00 or so. So for the record as of the Dilbone time clock it is 1:10 a.m. and Chris and Mike are still talking...I have to go to bed or get out of the same room because my stomach hurts really bad and I think that if I could really fart loud I would feel better, so that means I really want to be alone for that one...Sorry for TMI or as my kids call it that means too much 411, but it's my thoughts and what you see (or hear) is what you get....over and out...can't wait to make out pillow. See ya Good night.

Thursday, July 08, 2004


We went to the lake this week with Chris's fam. It was great. His mom and dad are wonderful. It also really great because we stay for free and get to spend time together. The lake is really relaxing for me. We do a lot of nothing...that's all good. I am learning this week how futile some things in life are. I spent a lot of time thinking at the lake. I know it must be scary for some of you to imagine:) But, I have...well I am getting closer to the Lord, I suppose the best way to put it is that I am so in love with the Lord. I like him...I think that although I don't always understand him, that, that is okay. I like Jesus. I know that sounds g-a-y..we spell it..don't want a two year old yelling.."that's gay",no now she will just yell that's g-a-y anyhow, I think a lot of folks are missing out on what God has to offer them. I can say that because I have been there, and perhaps I still am at times. I am not saying that in a judgmental way. Just Sara Dilbone version...aka sdv...I think we all at times get wrapped up in the "stuff" of life...I you? Did I say that I love Jesus...
Anyhow spent two hours in the ER last night...Macee has this fever, nasty looking throat thingy. Please pray for her...Zpack is a life saver.
A friend of mine who was an alcoholic and drug adict came home about a year ago but has been living with her parents, she got to move into an apartment of her own...she seems to be doing well and we gave her a little house warming party tonight...she was so thrilled and I am really proud of her. Pray that the Lord keeps her going...We have a kitten...I named her Lucy Lu...not sure why...had some cold stone creamery ice cream tonight...If I come up missing someday...I am in the back yard rolling in's that good....Man I love Jesus...If you read my hubby's blog you will see that he had some pink smash at the Old fire house winery placey thingy...well I did too and unlike him I enjoyed every minute of it...I slept really well...well over and out.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Too much on my mind!

So I am a slacker when it comes to blogging but I have too much to say, and if you know me I like to say it all. So I am learning to just pick out the good stuff...Well the good stuff to me atleast...As Chris said on his post we went to the Stetlers in Columbus. It was great and wonderful. I loved the church we went to and the people were great. I was very quiet the whole time but was just soaking it all in. I too thought that in so many ways it was like church as we know it but was so very different in others. As I listened to Eric and Kerr talk and minister to people, they had some people in and out while we were there and Eric and Kerr were just ready to meet any need that was there. Now we say that we as a "church" are ready to be like this, however how many times do we really do this. Chris and I had some long talks and we really want to be used by God to be family...This sounds so lame but the thing that stands out to me is that Jesus just wants us to love like he did and that's by putting our needs and wants away, not just aside and "love" wow...Anyhow thanks Stet's for being you. You are loved! (Macee likes Ri's butt, she told me...) O'yeah I got to meet one of my online fantasy people this week too..I sat there and cried...You'll have to ask for the details...Anyway it was great.
I also got to have lunch with my daddy. It was great...He is sad these days..Summer is when my momma died and I think that it makes it hard for him. It was great spending time with him. Pray for him. He is a pastor and works his butt off, I think he struggles sometimes. I miss my relationship with him. It's so different now that my mom has died. After lunch with my dad and sis, my sis, the boys and the chitlins, all went to Sidney to finish going through my grandparents home, my grandma died of cancer and now my step grandpa is in a nursing home dying of cancer also, so we have been working a lot to get all this done. I found some pretty awesome stuff. A love letter from my Grandy to my Mim. He was so in love with her, it was so beautiful...What a heritage I have. I also found a letter that my mom had written to her mom the year after her dad had died. I felt llke it had been written to us...I want to read it to my dad, it was so much what I needed. My sister and I sat in a little room and just cried...I love my sis.
I made out with a pug last night. No I don't mean a pig (as in Chris :) I mean a little pug named Rosie...I laid down on the floor at the Weiss's and got attacked by there little dog. It was so funny, she started licking my head like there was no tomorrow...I actually enjoyed the attention..I know I'm sick aren't I ? But I stood up and my hair was like plastered with dog spit and was standing on end in the very front, I suppose you had to be there, but it was pretty funny. So there all my blogging stuff in one really long post...I thank you Jesus for all the great little things you give me each day. Lob'er Jesus. (Macee's way of saying Love you Jesus) O' to be child like in our ways with him. Over and out. Pray for cousin.