Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Happy Tuesday..

Things that made me smile today:
*guys who are sweeties
*my husband
*Cole's amazing way of sniffing out buried treasures...
*a clean house (except for the room I am sitting in)...
*A good friend of mine turning 20-10 on the same day of my mom's birthday
*My mom's birthday is tomorrow-smile with tears
*my adopted brother called yesterday, offense free now for 5 years, after 8 1/2 years in prison. I am so proud of him.
*mushy beef and noodles...they still taste good.
*my dad
*a personal day off Feb 17 got approved today...headed to a place far, far away with my sister...going antiquing and relaxing...celebrating sisterhood, and taking time to celebrate my mom's life. We have not really grieved together as a family....I am sure we will have great laughs, lots of tears and well good food and shopping...she promised her white chocolate Martha Stewart brownies..."folks, they are good enough to roll in"
*Having dinner with friends...
Something that not only made me smile, but made me laugh today:
A little conversation between 3 of my boys, while playing at the texture table in my classroom. There were only 4 kids in the room....the first 3 below were at the texture table...
*one boy, 2nd grade aspergers syndrome
*one boy, legally blind
*one rough and tumble red neck
*one innocent bystander, also aspergers (at his desk, memorizing the names and characteristic of the dinosaurs...)
I suddenly hear the boys at the texture table singing "Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you....happy birthday...Doctor Octopus...happy birthday to you...
*Little boy at his desk, (the innocent bystander)....says (very monotone)..."His name is "Doc Oc" not doctor octopus you dummies....
I had to laugh...Guess you had to be there.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Oh, do I love Mondays...

It was just one of those days....I kept reminding myself all day to "think happy thoughts"...it was working....and at one point today I had to laugh out loud....my happy thought was so funny....simply put into two words..."STUMP GRINDER"....
Needless to say...it was a good laugh...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Random thoughts.....

I got a letter from a friend in high school....it was sooooo good to hear from you Beth....we have to hook up and catch up....our lives are so parallel...
Had a great time singing in the van the other night.....something about "Save a horse".......it still makes me laugh to think about it.....
Good times and great food last night with JT and TT....you guys are so fun....
In laws are coming to visit today...looking forward to seeing them...I miss them and love when they come to visit....Macee can't wait to see her grandma and grandpa....
Watching Macee sing to David Crowder and singing praise her Lord....soooo cute....
Well better go....fam is at the door.....
Looking forward to house church tonight.....

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A penny anyone....

Things I said outloud today.....
!."O' crap"......I am not sure what to do about that".....(Macee stayed home today with bronchitis and I called in sick....they called 10 subs and all subs in the district were in use...there was a training of some sort and tons of teachers were already out....so my teachers aide basically did my job...shhh don't tell anyone....)
2. "I love cuddling with you baby girl"...."You are such a sweetie"
3. "MACEE...I am going to count to three and you better be getting your shoes on now!"
4. "I love you daddy, thanks for taking good care of your girls".....
5. "SHUT UP...NO WAY...SERIOUSLY....SHUT UP....HAHAHAH....REALLY....SHUT UP...ahahahahh" (this was all in a very excited loud scream sorta way...it was the good kind of Shut UP!
6. "Hi, my daughter is staring at you because you look like her father"....
7. "Yes Macee, your daddy is a big boy"....under my breath..."a really big boy"....sorry I had to type it...just smile you know you are
8. "You both are nuts".......
9. "Really?"
10. "O' I crack myself up".....

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The weird way things show up when you need them.....

Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus...
He showed up today in a "earthly way" just when I needed him....

I found a card today from my mom....so way cool....
On the outside the cards says: "Its you and God against that giant mountain...You can do this...go find your valley of dreams with him...
Inside: You are strong, I tell you. You can do it!
Written by momma (in her sweet handwriting) are these words: "I believe in you. Always have. Always will. I will love you forever!" Mom
Words from momma and divine intervention from a messy room....with help from above...
feeling whipped, down and defeated lately...
moments like this...feeling like I just got hugged from my mom and Jesus...
Cherish your today...

Monday, January 09, 2006

Dang I'm a bum....

I have wanted to blog for a while now, but things have been soooo busy...The holidays were great...Macee is now 4... What a gift she is. Such a little lady...and so fun. I love her. She makes me laugh, makes me cry and makes me grin from ear to ear.....wow...what a gift...
Things are good here....
My list of things from the past month:
*Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
*Happy 4th Birthday Macee Donna Dilbone
*I REALLY missed my mom during the Holidays
*My Jesus is in control
*I don't always understand his plans
*I think my mom and Luis have met
*great times lately with my Dad....wow....
*so sick of hearing people complain about dumb stuff...like 2 cent stamps etc.
*My God gives second chances...
*I like this house church stuff...it has been good.
*struggling to fit in this house church stuff a little bit anyhow....sometimes I feel..if you are not "all read up and current" on what everyone else is reading, I feel like it seems your not part of the up and up....there is more to it than books....to me it's people...I don't need a book right now, I have the Holy Spirit and love to love people....maybe I will need books later...:]....It's great to learn from books but that is not what life is all about 24 hours a day....I am not dissing anyone...just my thoughts....
*so thankful for my hubby...
*thanks for Lunch...curly head from BG
*stories about thbg@s
*really great friends
*my sister is so awesome
*spending time with my moms side of the family. Congrats Ben and Jessica....great to see my Aunt and my Uncles, and spend time with my cousins....wow I miss them too. It was great to see all of them...
*I love you Chandi Shah...cannot wait to see you....
*We are so blessed
*headed to have coffee at the ice arena with my friend....time to catch up...