Things here are good. After 4 long weeks of Chris or I having something every night of the week, we now are home and enjoying the slow life. Ahhhh... Life has just been busy with practice's, library, gathering, visits and workouts...not to mention everyday life stuff like grocery, a almost 3 year old and a full time job. I am just thankful that this week has finally arrived...
Chris and the band played at the Fall Festival. Chris keeps getting more and more talented on the "caatar"(as Macee calls it)...he does so well and the rest of the band is great too. I don't think that I am partial...they are just really that good. However, the trip to the fall festival was hell. Chris had given me directions to get was only about 3 miles from our house....after driving to Fremont and not finding the road he said would be "right off 6 Sara"...whatever...add in the fact that Steph was following me, I was screaming over the phone at Chis who was on stage trying to give me directions, I then get pulled over by a sheriff who laughs at me...jerk...who could not give me directions that made any I know you are wondering how I made it...well, Tom L. found one of my pals that was already there and said to her "I really think that you need to call Sara...she is a little pissed and needs to get here.." So Jersey girl called and saved the day...not only did she get me there, but she also got a little more. By that point I was in tears, and said a few things that probably shouldn't have said....all because "I am sorry Sara, I didn't realize that there was a road in between where I had told you." So I got there and had fun.....after a few dirty looks to the lead singer I felt better...
Monday nights are going great and are awesome, we had so many that we all almost did not fit...what do you do when you get too big?
Macee is a sweet as ever...I love her. I am growing as a mommy, learning new things everyday. She is so good a reading emotions...She can be so strong willed and yet so beautiful at the same time. I suppose that is why they call us mothers....she is my best pal, and we have fun. One of my favorite things to do is color with her.....potty training is great, how do you get the night time potty training done?
My dad and I had a brief conversation the other day. He does not read my blog, but had called while I was at school the other day and just wanted to talk. Our conversation, while brief, was very healing and was just what I needed to hear. He had no idea of the things that I had written in my previous was definitely a God thing.
Chris and I also had some conversations about our hearts desires to serve the Lord etc... and how sometimes I felt like we are leaving our families (both sides) out of this whole "love" thing....I hate it. I am so relational and he is learning which makes it a little difficult sometimes. However, things need to change. We all say the road goes two ways and that is so true. I am learning and growing.
I also had another wonderful surprise on Friday. I was finishing up my day at school when I looked up and in the door way was the most wonderful sight. My sister, and the kids. She has drove up from Dayton, and surprised me. She ended up staying the night. The kids had a blast and I felt so blessed....we had some good laughs and some interesting happenings at the Bg mall....I tell you some other time....
So anyhow...I am thankful for each new day and each new blessing....