Happy Tuesday..
Things that made me smile today:
*guys who are sweeties
*my husband
*Cole's amazing way of sniffing out buried treasures...
*a clean house (except for the room I am sitting in)...
*A good friend of mine turning 20-10 on the same day of my mom's birthday
*My mom's birthday is tomorrow-smile with tears
*my adopted brother called yesterday, offense free now for 5 years, after 8 1/2 years in prison. I am so proud of him.
*mushy beef and noodles...they still taste good.
*my dad
*a personal day off Feb 17 got approved today...headed to a place far, far away with my sister...going antiquing and relaxing...celebrating sisterhood, and taking time to celebrate my mom's life. We have not really grieved together as a family....I am sure we will have great laughs, lots of tears and well good food and shopping...she promised her white chocolate Martha Stewart brownies..."folks, they are good enough to roll in"
*Having dinner with friends...
Something that not only made me smile, but made me laugh today:
A little conversation between 3 of my boys, while playing at the texture table in my classroom. There were only 4 kids in the room....the first 3 below were at the texture table...
*one boy, 2nd grade aspergers syndrome
*one boy, legally blind
*one rough and tumble red neck
*one innocent bystander, also aspergers (at his desk, memorizing the names and characteristic of the dinosaurs...)
I suddenly hear the boys at the texture table singing "Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you....happy birthday...Doctor Octopus...happy birthday to you...
*Little boy at his desk, (the innocent bystander)....says (very monotone)..."His name is "Doc Oc" not doctor octopus you dummies....
I had to laugh...Guess you had to be there.